- [ ] 5 October 2022
- [ ] Further prototyping Corruption board game and Corruption + Forbidden Crafts game loops
- [ ] Launched revamped Recruits progressions
- [ ] 20 September
- [ ] Launched Treasure Cappening
- [ ] 22 August 2022
- [ ] Launched Harvesters. Harvesters I & II were launched
- [ ] 27 June 2022
- [ ] Dropped Harvester Game Guide Chapter I & II Draft
- [ ] Harvester audits underway
- [ ] Harvester frontends being groomed for development
- [ ] 21 May 2022
- [ ] Harvester unit testing, preparing technical documentation for auditors
- [ ] Questing V2 improvements and UX updates
- [ ] 6 May 2022
- [ ] Ongoing Harvester codebase refactoring
- [ ] Harvester white paper under progress
- [ ] Corruption game mechanisms finalised and under development
- [ ] 28 Apr 2022
- [ ] Preparing documentation for Questing v2
- [ ] Reviewing Harvester calculations and writing WP
- [ ] 22 Apr 2022
- [ ] Harvester development update
- [ ] Tweaking mini-craft and charms recipes
- [ ] 16 Apr 2022
- [ ] Grammar, typos, clarify patches, etc.
- [ ] 15 Apr 2022
Development Updates 2022
Hello Legions and Legionettes
With this Development Diary, we aim to keep our dear Legions and Legionettes updated with all the mischievous activities behind closed doors. Here, we will jot down not only the wins (e.g., a significant reduction in the inflation of Auxiliary Legions), but also areas of improvements (e.g., closing open loops and improve to the crafting experience).
We hope that you can follow us along this joyous (maybe not) journey, and will enjoy reading this as much as we hate love writing it.
Skip to Macro Roadmap
Development Update 21 May 2022
Harvester testing is ongoing, we have just prepared technical documentation and contract architecture to auditors and peer reviewers to give them a preliminary understanding of the system while we continue writing unit tests.
- Once unit testing on our end is complete, we will circle back and initiate the audits once we have ironed out most of the obvious issues in need of fixing.
Documentation for Harvester white paper is ongoing and focused on outlining the process by which Harvester Takeovers may be initiated, and how the handover process works. Other questions include how we might structure the contracts in a way to enables these takeovers be determined by on-chain mini-games which may be replaced with better and better games as TreasureDAO grows and builds, i.e. contest “cartridges”.
On the Questing V2 front, we are addressing the primary user concerns with UX:
- Reducing the number of transactions needed to quest and lowering transaction costs
- Improving the user experience and optimising the flow when selecting zones, adding legions and treasures to quest
- Looking to add the ability to restart all legions easily and restart quests
- We’ve noted some of the more fleshed-out community proposals w.r.t constellations and stasis and will assess how some of these ideas may be implemented in future releases
Mini-crafting and Auto-questing features
- Reviewing final UI designs before commencing front development, in the sprint after addressing the Questing v2 issues above.
- Looking to add auto-questing features, will be added after mini-crafts.
Bridgeworld and Harvester Updates 6 May
In May, we draw nearer to the launch of Questing V2 and mini-crafts. Ongoing development of corruption game mechanics and Harvesters are progressing on schedule. Some updates on Harvesters:
- Substantial changes and complexity of Harvester functionality since the original Bridgeworld white paper warrants a new Harvester paper.
- Harvester white paper aims to cover the mechanics of how Harvesters work in greater detail, including boost and emission share formulas, and documentation for contract architecture.
- Documentation for generalising NFT staking for accessing and upgrading Harvesters with other NFT collections.
- Topics in the game theory of Harvesters, including the rules and conditions under which takeovers may take place, and their implications.
- General discussion and assessment of strategies that may be employed by guilds, cartels, anonymous sybils, etc; that may introduce anti competitive play
- Discussion on avenues of anti-competitive play, and counterbalancing game mechanics that can reduce consolidation and reintroduce fair, balanced play.
- Ongoing Harvester code testing and contract code refactoring in progress.
- Preliminary concept art for Harvesters and UI ideation underway.
- Corruption game mechanics complete, solidity under development.
Questing and Harvester Updates 28 Apr
During the month of April, we (the Bridgeworld team) have been developing Questing 2.0 features, which include (1) Questing Zones, (2) Treasure fragments, and (2) UI. During our grind however, we noted some of the community wished for more regular and visible updates.
- UI and development of the more complex Questing v2 features are progressing as expected.
- QA testing is underway internally and the team is preparing marketing materials and documentation in preparation for release
- Questing V2 is the first in a number of releases aimed at completing the economic loops in Bridgeworld, and will be followed with more features that successively target inflation across various groups of items (treasures) and consumables.
- Questing V2 also coincides with an ongoing artwork revamp that our artists have been hard at work preparing over the last few periods. The revamp aims to give Bridgeworld a more sophisticated and distinctly memorable style that will bring out the uniqueness of what the TreasureDAO community is building towards as open infrastructure for building metaverses.
- Art revamp, UI and branding revamp will help inform and drive our marketing and branding strategies as we ramp up social engagement efforts.
- Harvester utilization and emissions splitting calculations review underway. Reviewing solidity implementation and how it maps to the reference python simulation implementation.
- Harvester documentation and release materials underway
Harvester Development Updates 22 Apr 2022
- Contracts are deep in development:
- Necessary precautions to take with respect to writing tests
- Complex contracts: emissions splitting between Atlas Mine and Harvesters, also taking into account utilisation calculations (that determine overall MAGIC emission rates to Bridgeworld) mean we need to be more thorough and catch subtle calculation bugs which may be difficult to detect in live settings.
- Pooling related patches being tested
- As we complete questing v2 UI, looking to move onto Harvester UI development so that writing tests + peer audits of contract code, and UI development are happening in parallel
- Reviewing the architecture of Harvester code, and making sure functionality for staking, boosts, is generic enough to handle other NFT collections.
- Reviewing HarvesterFactory design for creating/disabling harvesters and when contesting a harvester
Community Feedback Highlights
(Yes we read them - If you have a suggestion for how we can improve Bridgeworld, please write a suggestion with this form:
💡 Bra**:** “I look at it like this. we are incredibly early, and were going to suffer for it at times as well as prosper. the key is becoming experienced so when we hit critical mass we know how to read the tea leaves and identify opportunities before the normies will.”
💡 cr****: “Your most loyal supporters are begging for something to do / have a strong feedback're going to have people exiting who may or may not come back. Address the inflation problem swiftly.”*
💡 A*6: “Everyone, myself included, has no reason to do anything. Everyone is waiting for something to happen before they react. In the mean time, inflation is getting worst and worst.”
Developer Notes
With Questing V2, we’re looking to address some of the most immediate player feedback with the patches we previously made last month to reign in inflation in Bridgeworld.
Those previous patches include:
- Slowing down questing cycles to target inflation immediately
- Summoning patches to control legion inflation (which accelerates all other forms of inflation)
We noted that the most pressing community concerns were that:
- Questing needs to be more engaging, interactive and drop rewards more consistently
- Shorter questing cycles that are more immersive, and more engaging.
- Dropping fragments for more frequent dopamine hits, without introducing inflation
- Character progression should be more meaningful, and reward loops should be closed.
- Progression in one path (e.g. questing) should lead to another path (e.g crafting) to encourage players to explore all facets of Bridgeworld.
- Constellations protect legions during quest exploration and improve their outcomes, encourages players to craft to improve their questing outcomes.
- Introduce treasure utility when questing to encourage users to hold a diverse portfolio of treasures, now helps determine how you perform and earn rewards.
- Weave utility for prisms across various paths in Bridgeworld, not just summoning circle.
- We have a backlog of suggestions for enabling prisms to add stat boosts to things like crafting, questing, and summoning. Looking in integrate some of these ideas.
- Introduce ongoing sustainable deflationary mechanics, instead of level-grind with item requirements that makes it harder and harder for new players to catch up over time.
Development Snapshot (April 2022)
This is a snapshot of our development roadmap (details stripped of course), and is subject to change (it was literally updated just now)
Macro Roadmap
📌 The following is designed to provide some insight into what the team is working on, and building towards for Bridgeworld.
We use a range of inputs to inform the roadmap, including but not limited to: long-term vision, data analytics, economic modelling and community feedback.
This roadmap is subject to change, priorities can change and is indicative only.
Q2 2022
Q3 2022
Q4 2022